Wednesday 18 June 2014

20mm Vietnam

As I mentioned a couple of days ago I'm working on a set of Vietnam War rules, I have ordered a platoons worth of figures and they finally arrived yesterday. Very excited and abandoned all other work to base the first squad.

Ten men, lead by a Corporal, most armed with M16s but a couple with M79 grenade launchers. I have another 2 Squads the same plus 2 M60 sections and the Company HQ.

Then need helicopters!
Britannia 20mm Vietnam figures, chunky but characterful


Dark Future

One of my favourite GW games of all time, in fact the first GW game I brought is Dark Future. Now sadly long forgotten I still have a couple of sets and a few of the original cars and figures for it.

I haven't played for quite a while but must soon, and what reminded me of this amazing game? a couple of the cars sitting on my shelf...
One of the original plastic interceptors (sanctioned ops) from the game. This one armed with turret mounted heavy laser and 2 missile pods (and a few unseen mines)

Aircraft style paintings the order of the day

Renegade Gang member of the Maniax gang, armed with 2 front Autocannons, a 40mm Grenade Launcher and a rear facing machine gun

Another Maniax Renegade this time with a cupola mounted minigun and 40mm Grenade launcher, with a nasty surprise twin rear facing 20mm grenade launchers

Sunday 15 June 2014

Other stuff

Just a last catch up post on a few other bits, Flames of War Germans, some Imperial Guard allies for my Dark Angels which are going to be used as Dark Angels fleet security detachments; I'm using Space Marine Scout bodies with Cadian Heads and a mix of weapons.

Also currently working on a set of rules for Vietnam based on Necromunda, it started as a simple rules conversion but the more I get into it the more I'm adding cool ideas. more to come on that later though

Dark Angels Fleet Security Forces

SS Panzers. As used in a Flames of War Tank Aces campaign. My tank ace (on the right) Edward Blach Hader has an impressive number of kills and maxed out his experience halfway through the campaign

A mix of SS infantry and British Paras. More to come later


As I mentioned a year ago i received Relic for my birthday, the busts you get with the game are amazing and I have been slowly painted them up. So far I have completed the Inquisitor, Sister of Battle and Commissar...

Horus Heresy

After spending a long time refusing to get involved in a Horus Heresy army mainly due to the cost I gave in recently at the Forge World open day. I've decided on a Salamanders army, I love the figures and they have some pretty cool rules that fit my style of play. The first unit I brought were some Pyrocasts, Artificer armoured veterans with strength six heavy flamers that double as a short ranged melta weapon. They will be put into their own Landraider Proteus at some point but for now the next part of the project is the two tactical squads I need.

Long time gone

Well it's been a while, over a year since I last updated this. Lots has happened but I have still been painting s time to catch up with some of what I have been upto...

So far a start some 15mm Napoleonics, I've been missing some old fashioned linear wargames, and I dug out the old WRG 1645-1845 rules; think they are from 1973 so as old as me, but with a few tweaks they make a perfectly good set of rules. Tom and I have played a few games using just the bases to see how it works and I have started a British army with the Light Division. It's a small formation of two British Light Infantry Battalions and two Portuguese Cacadores Battalions supported by eight Companies of Riflemen and two Regiments of British Light Cavalry and a Royal Horse Artillery Battery.

So far I've completed the two Light Infantry regiments, one of the Portuguese regiments and the riflemen. 

British Light Infantry

British Light Infantry




British Light Infantry