Sunday 15 June 2014

Long time gone

Well it's been a while, over a year since I last updated this. Lots has happened but I have still been painting s time to catch up with some of what I have been upto...

So far a start some 15mm Napoleonics, I've been missing some old fashioned linear wargames, and I dug out the old WRG 1645-1845 rules; think they are from 1973 so as old as me, but with a few tweaks they make a perfectly good set of rules. Tom and I have played a few games using just the bases to see how it works and I have started a British army with the Light Division. It's a small formation of two British Light Infantry Battalions and two Portuguese Cacadores Battalions supported by eight Companies of Riflemen and two Regiments of British Light Cavalry and a Royal Horse Artillery Battery.

So far I've completed the two Light Infantry regiments, one of the Portuguese regiments and the riflemen. 

British Light Infantry

British Light Infantry




British Light Infantry

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