Saturday 23 February 2013

Brass Monkeys 2013

Recently I hosted an informal tournament for my friends as an excuse to get together and show off our toys.

We played 6 games each, one of each of the 40k scenarios with the player with the highest Victory points at the end the winner.

Mike and Gary in their Imperial fist v Slaaneshi battle

Jakes Necrons about to table me!

Dark Angel victory v Tom's Chaos fighting over the Emperors relic

My Dark Angels on parade

Achilles Tank and Angels of Vengeance 

Land raider Redeemer, Scout Snipers and Techmarine

Interrogator Chaplain Belphegor

Dark Angels Tactical Squad, Land raider Helios and Predator

Gary's Lord drops in to kill a deadly razorback

Land raiders advance

Chaos flier desperately dodges AA fire

Belphegor gets himself in a sticky situation and batters his way out

Things are desperate, send in the rhino

Scouts hold off the attack

Gary's Lord looking down the barrel of many guns

Daemonettes causing havoc in the church, diverting defenders away from the objective

Krieg troops ready to battle the chaos invaders

Death riders ready to charge

Artillery blunted the chaos attack

Burning Rhinos

Cavalry to the rescue

Are Earthshakers sky fire?

The big fight starts

Chaos marines on the wrong end of spikey things

Commissar making his last stand

The sky darkens and lightening rips my army apart

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