Saturday 23 February 2013

Brass Monkeys 2013 part two

More pictures of the weekends fun

Necrons advancing, slowly

Taking more lightening strikes

Tom's Chaos v Ben's borrowed Dark Angels about to start

Dan's many Death Korps v Rob's Death Guard

Mike's Imperial Fists v Gary's chaos

Necrons chop up some Landraiders

More hulks

Death wing face off against chaos

Dark Angels v Death Guard

Slaanesh v chaos

Necrons v Imperial Fists

Death Korps artillery pounding the Ravenwing

The Dark Angels v Death Guard turns nasty

Slaanesh advancing

Imperial fist armour doing its best to hide from the necrons

Nerons swarm over the objective

Daemon prince

Blurry guard

Dark Angels v Tom's Chaos

Slaanesh v Nurgle

Dark Angel snipers pin down chaos marines

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