Monday 12 March 2012

Zone Mortalis

A friend and I were talking about the new set of rules on the Forge World site Battle Zone Mortalis, he had just found a box of old space hulk tiles and we decided to give the rules a go on those.

Deathwing enter Zone Mortalis
Because my friend had just broken his collar (and I didn't want to lug too many troops across London) we used kill teams of 500 points. All figures counted as separate units.

I took a elite heavy team which Space Marines would send into such a hostile environment, the Deathwing; my opponents would be death korps.

The first missions random objectives was for me to destroy three objectives, easy I thought, especially after deployment left my dreadnought right in front of the first one.

Death Korps deployment

 Turn One

Dreadnought destroys the first Objective
Deathwing took the first turn rushing forwards into better positions, the dreadnought fired it's multi melta at the objective and missed, having to charge it to finish it off.

The Imperial Guard also charged forwards to gain better defensive positions and readied themselves for the Deathwing's next move.

Turn Two

The Next Death Wing turn was one of running around again, getting in place for good firing lines and advancing on the objectives.

The Death Korps had a much better turn, ambushing a isolated terminator first shooting and then charging him they made the first kill.

Over confident Terminator about to get a bayonet where it hurts
Turn Three

The Dark Angels Dreadnought moves into a firing position effectively cutting off reinforcements to half the battlefield, vaporises a guardsman and guns down a couple more. The objectives look easier now the rest of the Deathwing has turned up.

The Death Korps rush forwards to defend the central storage bay from the attackers and close assault the Terminator, they fail to kill him but block the route for the others behind him.

 Turn Four

It's at this point we remembered we were meant to be rolling every player turn for hazards. The first roll was for three rock falls controlled by me. The first crushed a few guardsmen, the second scattered off the enemy inquisitor and the final one scattered on top of my dreadnought and destroyed it, leaving it blocking the way. The Terminator in close combat killed his opponent and moved on. At the far end of the battlefield the Death Korps Killed another Terminator in close combat!

Turn Four

The Deathwing make a final push to the second objective, their weapons unable to damage it they have to wait for another turn before they can charge.

The Guardsmen now supported by a late arriving Inquisitor charge into the Terminators in front of them killing another and again blocking the route to the objective.

Turn Five

Not much to report on this turn, the Deathwing try to push through the line of Guardsmen, killing he Inquisitor and opening the route to the objective but time is up.

Space Hulk

Just for fun and as the tiles were out we decided to play first edition of space hulk, mission one. Having played this lots years ago I was confident of my Terminators winning, but alas I'd forgotten how difficult space hulk was, and in a couple of games where we both took a go at using the Space Marines all we had was ten more dead astartes!

Space Hulk!

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