No not brought it yet but had a chance to flick through it and play quite a few games against a friends chaos army.
I was surprised it didn't suffer from 'codex creep' as so often in Games Workshop new editions, a lot of nice fuffy bits; my favourite of these has to be that there's a chance someone will be eaten by a possessed transport.
I'm a tad disappointed that the codex doesn't really allow for much in the way of my two favourite units, Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion. With Iron Warriors yes you can add Imperial Guard allies and there is the daemon engines but I would have hoped for some way to make the Chaos Marines more Iron Warrior-ish; maybe allowing more heavy weapons or Havocs as troops. Same with Alpha Legion, there is not the cultists but nothing to make the troops different, I would have liked infiltrate at least.
Anyway many battles have been fought between my Dark Angels and Chaos recently, and so far it's a 5-0 (I think) win in my favour. I've built a couple of different lists, and by far my most successful is the defensive list made up of many tactical troops, I've learned to love the Razorback and now getting as many as I can, the heavy bolters or Lascannons are always useful.
Here's some pics of recent battles
Dark Angel Devastators |
Razorback eye view |
Dark Angels Storm Eagle |
Tom my Chaos opponent is convinced the Storm Eagle turns up at the worse (or best for me) time everytime I use it. I does me proud screaming onto the battlefield and destroying the Chaos attack just as it seems to be breaking through the lines. So far I have had most success using it as a gunship, at 326points though its a lot of my army to keep in reserve.
2000pts of Dark Angels |
This is my latest new list, a bit more aggressive than normal with Ravenwing and Deathwing in larger numbers (thanks to Dark Vengeance)
Interrogator Chaplian Belphegor and Death Wing |
Ravenwing |
Deathwing and Ravenwing attack |
The attack by the Ravenwing and Deathwing stalled due to the tight terrain in the centre of the battlefield, this was turn one and they only advanced another 10inches for the rest of the game
Ravenwing make it through the Chaos lines soon to be killed though |
Deathwing avenge the Ravenwings death cutting their way through the chaos counter attack |
Second game of the day, the Deathwing once again leading the attack |
In the second game the deathwing lead the attack again, some how resisting the best efforts of the entire chaos army to kill them.They killed a Chaos Terminator squad, a Raptor sqaud a couple of rhinos, a Chaos marine squad and Khorne beserkers. Their attack was finally stoped by the Chaos Lord turning into a daemon Prince who killed off the rest and tore the redeemer to pieces. Fortunately the battle was over and I won holding three objectives to two.
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