Tuesday 15 May 2012

Apocalypse and end of Campaign

Well it's been a while sorry, games and painting and other far less exciting stuff have been getting in the way; but now as I'm waiting for the varnish to dry on the latest batch of Germans I will bring this upto date. Starting with... Apocalypse

With the end of the Svaard Campaign we have been playing for the last year came the final battle between the forces of the Imperium staring the Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, Scythes of the Emperor, Tau, Inquisition, Knights and Imperial Guard. The evil enemy, Lots of traitor Guard, Death Guard and a Titan.

Sorry for side ways shot.. but this is deloyment
Having won most of the campaign advantages the Imperials set up first, my Dark Angels taking the far right flank, unfortunately during the enemy deployment, a line of very high walls appeared in front of me. Not to mention the tank traps and minefields (a real failure in recon!)

I ended up facing the walls defended my some Guard, with more guard and the Death Guard inside the fortress.

Dark Angels move forwards
 Turn one started with my battle company supported by the Iron Wing slowly walking forwards towards the traitor gun line, the Dark Angels not showing any fear, then suddenly the Scythes of the emperors drop pods landed right in front of me, the whirlwind launchers destroying most if what had faced me on the walls
Imperial Fists Hiding 

Scythes of the Emperor saving the day

Then instantly regretting it!
The Death Guard then Turned on the now trapped Space Marines. I Brought down my Assault Marines to screen the Scythes as they attempted to reform the battle line.

The fray at this end of the battlefield was also joined by a enemy warhound that soon found itself fighting three knights in close combat.

At the other end of the table the Imperial Fists where having all sorts of problems, facing a guard tank company. Fortunately for them a friendly tank company was available to help out.

The rest of the story I will tell in pictures..

The Knights having despatched the Titan turn on the Death Guard

More Traitors Turn up by Valkyrie

Imperial Tank Company supporting the Imperial Fists

View of the battle, far down the end were the Tau

Trying and failing to kill an enemy commander, he later hid behind the wall

A sneaky late outflanking attack from the red scorpions is soon dealt with

Imperial Fists and Guard Containing the last Red Scorpion

All that's left of two tank companies

Unfortunately time was sort and the battle came to a rather anti climatic end, and also a draw. Most of my army survived and so did my commander ( they were objectives). My hero of the battle was a devastator sergeant that had been awarded a orbital comlink as i campaign advancement, and managed to kill two Baneblades with it.

Lessons learnt on the day, all my squads need transport, either tracked or drop pods, leave more time for the game, and don't play on a sloping table (the dice don't stop)