Tuesday 3 November 2015

Star Wars Armada from Fantasy Fight Games.

We all love Star Wars don't we? The new film is out soon and I'm waiting to see if its anywhere near as good as the originals or the embarrassing level of the second trilogy. JJ Abrams has a reasonable enough history with Sci Fi, I really liked his reboot of the Star Trek films so my hopes are on the positive side.

Also new Star Wars film means new Star Wars toys which no doubt I will be getting some of soon enough; meanwhile I have been mulling over games that involved some more classic Star Wars themes. Quite a few of my friends have taken up playing X Wing from Fantasy Flight Games, I've played a few times and do enjoy the system, but I do like bigger ships so I went out and brought Star Wars Armada by the same company... It's been mentioned to me that its expensive, well it's twice the price of the X Wing game. It does have a huge about of parts in the box, loads of tokens, cards and playing aids as well has three rather nice capital ships (Victory Class Star Destroyer, Nebulon B frigate and a Corellian Corvette) as well has a selection of Tie Fighters and X Wings. The ships themselves are not to scale (not a new idea as battle fleet gothic was also completely out of scale) and this is apparently done so you get pleasing detail on the models. 

I've only had one game so far, but it's easy to pick up the rules, ship maneuvering is nice and easy and the main game mechanics is around orders which you choose one, two or three turns in advance depending on ship class, special officers allow you to reorder these or change some. 

Anyway more on that once I've played a few more games, for now some pictures of my fleets so far. The capital ships come painted but the fighters don't, but being me I had to do something about that.

Imperial Fleet, two Victory Class Star Destroyers and Tie Fighter escort

Rebel Fleet of Two Nebulon Bs and a Corvette with X wings

X Wings are rather nasty in the game, the Imperial Player needs to hold them off with the Ties or its all over for the Star Destroyers
Grubby X Wings, Being rebels they obviously won't wash their space ships


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