Monday 7 January 2013

Happy New year, and Dark Angels :)

Christmas and all that is over and now it's time to stop eating and exercise again, but first the new Dark Angels codex comes out; which having Dark Angels I amd very excited about.

Having looked through all the rumours online I am concerned that most of the focus is on the Ravenwing and Deathwing, not that I don't like them, just that my force is built around (so far) 2 Tactical companys, scouts and reserve companys. I'm eager to see what thay have done with the options for these and the standard characters in the book. Also please let scouts be a troops choice.

My gaming club (clapham wargamers) has started a new year 40k escalation starting at 600points, first games were last week with my Marines struggling to win. Out of 4 games I had 2 total defeats, one loss that wasn't as bad I was expecting and one very nice victory (space wolves remember not to huddle together with plasma cannons pointing at you)

I'm working on mainly a tactical company for the force, but have also ended up with a useable 600point Ravenwing force I can field.

Ravenwing force, Librarian and Chaplain converted from Dark Vegeance figures

Tactical Marines and commanc, again all from the DV boxset with a couple of conversions

Deathwing, left squad standard DV box and other squad have been changed around a bit

Standard Tactical Marines from the boxset

Chaplain conversion

Non standard Deathwing squad

Slightly changed Tactical Squad, Head swap on sgt and plasma gunner body from the bike squad

I have another tactical squad to paint up, then it will be some new stuff from what ever is released over the next couple of weeks. Likely additions will be Azrael with command Squad, and some more transports

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